Business Consulting
When corporate executives are faced with strategic or business challenges, gaining outside perspective and advice from other financial services experts can lead to more objective assessments and innovative, effective solutions.
The VMS senior management team has years of experience working within financial services. We understand the pressures you face as the result of mergers, acquisitions, downsizing, increasing competition, regulatory requirements, changing technology, and more.
We can help relieve the pressure. Our team of high-performing talent will analyze your business needs and propose specific solutions to streamline business processes and articulate your policies and procedures.
You can also benefit from VMS’s expert approach to educational programs on new business processes or systems, including instructional design matched to business objectives, and delivery of training both in person and through e-Learning. We will work with you to design training solutions that do exactly what you want — make your people more productive on the job. Our work includes business cases with clearly defined benefit thresholds so you can measure results.
Services include:
- Analysis of corporate strategy, business processes, or operations
- Assessment of business needs: current and future
- Objective review of business functions, plans, and directions
- Compliance with regulatory or audit requirements
- Re-engineering of business processes
- Defining goals and objectives
- Integrating mergers and acquisitions
- Training and ongoing support tools (e.g., job aids, self-directed help desks, reference systems, and e-Learning) to ensure that employees gain and use appropriate knowledge and skills to achieve business goals